API Reference

Transactions done by the guest on the property (Sales, Payments, etc)

Base Notification Schema

bookingIdNumberThe id of the reservation
businessIdNumberThe id of the property
businessTypeStringThe type of the business. Usually VENUE
internalTransactionIdNumberThe id of the transaction that originated this notification
internalTransactionItemIdNumberThe id of the item that originated this notification
paymentMethodStringThe payment type Payment Methods
paymentMethodIdNumberThe payment type id (This is different for every property)
dynamicPaymentMethodNameStringThe specific payment method name
typeStringThe type of the transaction Transaction Types
descriptionStringThe description of the transaction
netAmountNumberThe net amount
grossAmountNumberThe gross amount
currencyStringThe currency of the transaction (GBP, EUR, etc)
deviceCreatedDateDateThe date when the transaction was created (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)

Specific Schemas


nameStringThe name of the product
productSkuIdNumberThe id of the SKU of the product
productSkuStringThe SKU
productIdNumberThe id of the product
quantityNumberThe quantity of products
taxesArrayThe taxes for the transaction
- idNumberThe id of the tax (This is unique for each Venue)
- amountNumberThe value of the tax
- percentageNumberThe percentage of the tax
- descriptionStringThe description of the tax
categoriesArrayThe categories associated with the product of the transaction
- idNumberThe id of the category
- nameStringThe name of the category
- descriptionStringThe description of the category


firstNameStringThe first name of the guest
lastNameStringThe last name of the guest
sexStringThe gender of the guest
emailStringThe email of the guest
phoneStringThe phone number of the guest
birthDateStringThe birth date of the guest
countryCodeStringThe country code of the guest nationality



    "name":"Big Champ (A) - austin",
        "description":"Test Tax for Big Champ (A) - austin (#400250)"
    "description":"Payment for Transaction No. 218572 with Item No. 400250 using PostPaid Credits",
    "deviceCreatedDate":"2022-02-12 10:13:30"


    "description":"Payment for Transaction No. 218566 with Transaction ID 218566 for Top-up",
    "deviceCreatedDate":"2022-02-12 10:13:30"

Additional Charge

    "description":"Additional Charges for Transaction No. 218570 with Transaction ID 218570",
    "deviceCreatedDate":"2022-02-12 10:13:30"


    "description":"Tip for Transaction No. 218570 with Transaction ID 218570",
    "deviceCreatedDate":"2022-02-12 10:13:30"


    "deviceCreatedDate":"2022-02-12 10:13:30"

Guest Update

    "email":"[email protected]",
    "birthDate":"1985-01-01 00:00:00",
    "deviceCreatedDate":"2022-02-13 13:29:29"

Booking Created

  "event": "booking.created",
  "businessId": 203,
  "businessType": "VENUE",
  "data": {
    "id": 2456,
    "clientId": "2bm5dmha3me1gubm2v8v4jp3j",
    "source": "TestPMS",
    "externalId": "fb473652-26b5-4673-88fe-0a58ac735451",
    "businessId": 203,
    "bookingNumber": "12345",
    "startTime": "Jan 10, 2022, 12:00:00 AM",
    "endTime": "Jan 11, 2022, 12:00:00 AM",
    "type": "ONLINE"
    "status": "CONFIRMED",
    "adultCount": 3,
    "childCount": 0,
    "reasonForStay": "Leisure",
    "company": "Example",
    "bookedAt": "Jan 10, 2022, 12:00:00 PM",
    "createdAt": "Jan 10, 2022, 3:00:02 PM",
    "updatedAt": "Jan 10, 2022, 3:00:02 PM",
    "rawStatus": "CONFIRMED",
    "bookingCustomers": [
        "id": 35745,
        "bookingId": 2456,
        "customerId": 1234,
        "isBooker": true,
        "isOwner": true,
        "createdAt": "Jan 10, 2022, 3:00:03 PM",
        "updatedAt": "Jan 10, 2022, 3:00:03 PM",
        "customer": {
          "id": 4343,
          "source": "TestPMS",
          "externalId": "G1006",
          "firstName": "Guest2",
          "lastName": "1",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "mobileNumber": "849361809810",
          "gender": "M",
          "birthdate": "2022-01-01",
          "properties": []
    "bookingItems": [
        "id": 5475473,
        "source": "TestPMS",
        "externalId": "BI1004",
        "name": "Room20230",
        "type": "PLACE",
        "itemAmount": 150,
        "totalAmount": 150,
        "currency": "USD",
        "quantity": 1,
        "createdAt": "Jan 10, 2022, 3:00:04 PM",
        "updatedAt": "Jan 10, 2022, 3:00:04 PM"


  "event": "CHECKOUT",
  "businessId": 203,
  "businessType": "VENUE",
  "data": {
    "firstName": "Guest",
    "lastName": "219114",
    "sex": "N/A",
    "email": "N/A",
    "bookingId": 4189,
    "businessId": 203,
    "businessType": "VENUE",
    "type": "CHECKOUT",
    "description": "Checkout for Transaction No. 219114 with Transaction ID 219114",
    "currency": "FJD",
    "deviceCreatedDate": "2022-05-09 01:52:10"